getepslay - technology file format for the getepslay program.


The appearance of layout as plotted by getepslay is controlled by the following directives, which are typically included in a file called epslay.def in the appropriate section of the ICD technology library.

%%Include <file>

Include the file ICDPATH/share/lib/file. File must be a relative pathname. This directive is typically used to include a common PostScript prolog file, typically named, that contains the needed PostScript functions. Only one level of file inclusion is supported, i.e., a %%Include directive in an included file has no effect.

%%Include "file"

Same as above, but look in the working directory first.

%%Order: mask1 mask2 mask3 ...

Specify the order in which the masks are drawn. It is usually best to specify more or less the same order as the order in which the masks are actually fabricated. However, contact masks can be put later in the list, to increase their visibility. Masks that are not specified here, will not be plotted (i.e., no default). Each maski must be a maskname as found in the maskdata (4ICD) Do not include the (pseudo) terminal masks, with the t_ prefix, here.

[ min max lambda fontname ] plotFont

Specify font name and size for terminal names.


Minimum size of text, in printer's points (1/72").


Maximum size of text, in printer's points (1/72").


Prefered size of text, in lambda's. Based on the scaling of the particular layout in order to fill the drawing region, the text size is first computed according to this value. Then, the min and max limits are applied. If those latter limits are identical, the effect is that of a fixed text size. A value of lambda approximately equal to the size of contact windows is often appropriate.


The name of the font to use. Any available PostScript font is acceptable.

The default is 8 point non-proportional Helvetica-Bold.

[ factor ] patternScale

Globally magnify the scale of the stipple patterns by factor. Integral values work best. Often useful for rendering on low resolution printers or workstation displays. The default pattern scale is 1.

[ dx dy ] termTextAlignment

Specify the alignment of terminal names with respect to the center of the terminal. The values dx and dy are relative coordinates that run from -1 to +1 along the x and y side of the bounding rectangle that encloses the text. For example:

0 0

Center of text at center of terminal.

−1 0

Left-hand of text at center of terminal.

0 1

Text centered below center of terminal.

The default alignment is 0 0.

[ (maskname) pattern scale linewidth ] defineStyle

Define the plotting style for each individual mask layer. Also include the (pseudo) terminal masks, with the t_ prefix. See the example below.


The name of the mask for wich this style is defined. The styles must be separately defined for terminal layers, by using the t_maskname as the maskname.


The name of a stipple pattern as defined in the getepslay PostScript prolog file.


A magnification factor applied to the stipple pattern. Integral values work best.


The width of the contour of the mask, specified in lambda's. A value of 0 is interpreted as the thinnest line that can be rendered at device resolution (i.e. one pixel wide).


Below, an excerpt of the fish variant of the customization file for the c3tu process is given.

% getepslay customization for c3tu process,
% fish variant.
%%Include <>
%%Order: od ps in ins con cop cos cps cb
[5 14 10 /Helvetica-Bold] plotFont
[-1 1] termTextAlignment
% mask     pattern  scale  linewidth
[ (od)     dots2    1.0    0.1 ] defineStyle
[ (ps)     dots6    1.0    0.1 ] defineStyle
[ (in)     dots12   1.0    0.1 ] defineStyle
[ (ins)    dots25   1.0    0.1 ] defineStyle
[ (con)    black    1.0    0.1 ] defineStyle
[ (t_in)   p16  1.0  0.1 ] defineStyle % in terminal
[ (t_ins)  p15  1.0  0.1 ] defineStyle % ins terminal


getepslay (1ICD)