Highlay(1ICD) is a program for high-lighting one
or more (extracted) conductors and/or devices in a
layout-editor/viewer. In order to use highlay for a
particular cell, first run the layout-to-circuit extractor
space(1ICD) for this cell using the option
The conductors (nets/ports) and devices that are
high-lighted can be specified in two different ways: (1)
they are specified in a namefile, or (2) they are selected
from the output of the circuit comparison program
When a namefile is specified, the names of the nets,
ports and/or devices that are high-lighted are read from
this file. The names must be separated by tabs, spaces
and/or newline characters. For the devices, the database
names must be used. These are the names that are obtained
when xsls(1ICD) or xspice(ICD) is used with
the option -d, but without the prefix character.
Nets, ports and/or devices are selected for high-lighting
according to the use of the options -n, -p
and/or -e.
When no namefile is specified, highlay will read
output of the program match for the specified cell.
In that case, it will select nets, ports and/or devices
according to the use of the options -m, -i,
-d, -n, -N, -p, -P,
-e and/or -E. A net, port or device is
high-lighted if and only if it is selected by one of the
options -m, -i or -d and by one of the
options -n, -N, -p, -P,
-e or -E. In order to obtain correct input for
highlay from match, the latter program should
be run using the option -edif.
Highlay will generate a new cell that contains
(default) the high-lighted parts of the specified cell, plus
a copy of the specified cell as a sub-cell. The name of the
new cell that is generated is (default) HIGH_OUT. This name
can be changed by using the option -c. The nets,
ports and/or devices that are selected for high-lighting are
(default) displayed in their original mask colors. An
alternative mask for high-lighting can be specified by using
the option -l.