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space, space3d, Xspace - hierarchical layout to circuit extractor.


space [-cClrzGbFTIuntvhikjx] [-Ddepth] [-asec] [-exxx | -Efile] [-pxxx | -Pfile] [-Sparam = value] cell ...

space3d [-3B] [all space options] cell ...

Xspace [all space3d options] cell


The following options can be specified:


Extract capacitances to substrate.


Also extract coupling capacitances, implies -c.


Also extract lateral coupling capacitances, implies -C.


Use a boundary-element technique for 3-dimensional capacitance extraction. Use with -c or -C.


Extract resistances for high-resistivity (non-metal) interconnect.


Apply mesh refinement for interconnect resistance extraction, implies -r.


Extract RC models that are accurate up to a certain frequency.


Use a simple but fast method to compute substrate resistances.


Use a boundary-element technique to compute substrate resistances.


Do flat extraction, instead of hierarchical.


With hierarchical extraction, only extract the top cell.


Unset incremental mode: do not skip sub-cells for which the circuit is up-to-date. Cannot be used with the -F option.


Selectively unset incremental mode for all cells at level <= depth (default depth = 1). Cannot be used with the -F option.


Do not automatically run the preprocessors makeboxl(1ICD) and makegln(1ICD).


Do not apply the circuit reduction heuristics.


Add positions of devices and sub-cells to the extracted circuit.


Verbose mode.


Print help information.


Print statistics, implies verbose mode.


Selective resistance extraction, resistances are only extracted for specified interconnects.


Selective resistance extraction, resistances are extracted for all but specified interconnects.


Generate layout backannotation information.


Make Space report its progression every sec seconds.


Use the file in the ICD process library as the element definition file.


Use file as the element definition file.


Use the file in the ICD process library as the parameter file.


Use file as the parameter file.

-Sparam = value

Set parameter param to the value value, overrides the setting in the parameter (.p) file. (-S param is equivalent to -S param=on.)

-s scene_file

Output a scene description of the extraction process. This description contains drawing primitives which can be viewed using the tool view3d(1ICD). This option is not available on all versions of Space.


This manual page only gives a brief introduction to Space. It should in most cases be sufficient, however, for performing straight-forward extraction tasks. Other documentation is available, see below.


Space is a hierarchical layout to circuit extractor for 45 degree polygonal geometries. The program is capable of accurately extracting MOS and bipolar integrated circuits, including interconnect resistances and capacitances, and substrate resistances. Generally spoken, Space extracts the circuits for all layout cells that are specified in the cell argument list. These circuits can then be directly simulated, for example, with sls(1ICD) or spice.

Hierarchical, Flat or Mixed Extraction

The basic extraction mode of Space is hierarchical. In this mode, the hierarchical structure of the circuit produced is identical to that of the layout. In hierarchical mode, Space traverses the hierarchy itself. It is thus only necessary to specify the root(s) of the tree(s) to be extracted on the command line. When the -F option is used, the layout is flattened before extraction. With hierarchical extraction, only the top cell is extracted and the hierarchy is not traversed when the option -T is used. Mixed hierarchical/fat extraction can be accomplished by assigning some cells the macro status, see tool macro(1ICD) and tool xcontrol(1ICD). Cells with the macro status are always completely expanded in their parent cells. When all cells would have the macro status, the circuit produced would be the same as when the -F option was used.

Incremental Extraction

In hierarchical mode, Space works incrementally. That is, it only extracts those cells which have not yet been extracted or are out of date with respect to the layout. Incremental mode can be disabled with the -I option, in which case Space extracts all cells in the tree. It can be selectively disabled for all cells at level <= depth with the -Ddepth option. The cells named on the command line are at level 1, their children at level 2, etc. The default depth is 1. Thus, the cells named on the command line are extracted even if the circuit exists and is up-to-date with respect to the layout. Use -D0 if this is not desirable. The option -Dinfinity is equivalent to -I. The -I and -Ddepth options have no effect in flat extraction mode.

Area/Perimeter based Capacitance Extraction

By default, Space uses an area area/perimeter method for capacitance extraction. The capacitance is assumed to be proportional to c1 * A + c2 * P, where c1 and c2 are constants depending on which masks are present at a certain spot, and A and P are the relevant interconnect areas and perimeters, respectively. When the -c option is used, all capacitances so found, including the inter-wire coupling capacitances, are connected to ground (the substrate). When the -C option is used, however, the coupling capacitances are put in the extracted circuit.

The formula above only accounts for the coupling capacitances caused by overlapping wires. To also extract the capacitive coupling between neighboring wires, the -l option can be used. See the user's manual for details.

Three-Dimensional Capacitance Extraction

Space3d can perform very accurate capacitance extraction by using a three-dimensional boundary element method. This is a numerical technique capable of numerically solving the Laplace equation which governs the electrical field around the interconnections wires on the IC. This capability is fully explained in a separate document, and is not discussed here any further.

Interconnect Resistance Extraction

When extracting interconnect resistances, Space applies finite element techniques to construct a fine resistance mesh that models resistive effects in detail, and then applies a Gaussian elimination (or, equivalently, a star-triangle transformation) node reduction technique to find the final network. In general, this network contains the nodes that are gate, source or drain connections, and nodes that are connections to instances or terminals of the cell. However, the topology of the network is influenced by the network reduction heuristics that are applied, see below.

When also extracting capacitances, the mesh will be an RC mesh. In this case, the node reduction will proceed such that the Elmore time constants between the nodes in the final network are unchanged with respect to their value in the fine RC mesh. This will guarantee that the electrical transfer function of the final network closely matches that of the fine RC mesh and, consequently, that of the actual circuit.

Network Reduction Heuristics

When extracting resistances and capacitances, Space can apply some heuristics to further reduce the number of elements (resistors, capacitors and nodes) in the final network by neglecting irrelevant detail. These heuristics include Merging of nodes that are connected by a small resistance. Deletion of large shunt resistances. Reconnecting small coupling capacitances to ground.

All heuristics are controlled by parameters from the parameter file (see below).

Selective Resistance Extraction

Selective resistance extraction is possible by specifying some interconnects in a file called 'sel_con' and by using either the option -k or -j. When using the option -k, resistances will only be extracted for the interconnects that are specified in the file 'sel_con'. When using the option -j, resistances will be extracted for all interconnects except for the interconnects that are specified in the file 'sel_con'. The format of the latter file is as follows. On each line, an x position, an y position and a maskname is specified. When an interconnect has the specified mask on the specified layout position, that interconnect is specified in the file.

Library Cell Circuit Extraction

When a layout description contains cells that need not be extracted because a separate circuit or behavioral description is available for them (e.g. standard cells, gate arrays) these cells should be set to the device status. For new projects, this is done using the tool xcontrol(1ICD). For old projects, this is done using the tool device(1ICD) or the tool putdevmod(1ICD). When the device status is defined for a layout cell, space will not extract this cell but it will include it as a network primitive in the extracted circuit. This will work both with hierarchical extraction and with flat extraction.

Simulation Model Support

Simulation models can be specified for the devices that are extracted by using the control file of xspice(1ICD).

Element Definition File

Space is technology independent. At start up, it reads a tabular element definition file specifying how the different elements like conductors and transistors can be recognized from the different mask combinations, and which values should be used for for example conductor capacitivity and conductor resistivity. This tabular element file is constructed from a user-defined element definition file by the Space technology compiler tecc(1ICD).

The default element definition file is space.def.t in the appropriate directory of the ICD process library. However, there can be several other element definition files for a particular process. For example, the file space.max.t may contain an element description with worst-case capacitance and resistance values. This file can be read rather than the standard file by specifying -emax at the command line.

You can also prepare your own element definition file and specify the name of that file with the -Efile option. For a description of the format of such a file, see the Space user manual.

Parameter File

Much of the operation of Space is also under control of parameters that are specified in a parameter file. The default parameter file is space.def.p in the appropriate directory of the ICD process library. You can select another parameter file with the -pxxx or the -Pfile options, analogous to selecting another element definition file.

Information Feedback

The -v option produces information on what files space is reading and what extraction steps are being taken. The -i option produces quantitative information, such as the number of nets and transistors. With the -asec option, Space reports its progression, in percentage of the layout scanned, every sec seconds. Space also reports its progression when it receives an ALARM signal, such a signal can be send by the command ``kill -ALRM pid'', where pid is the process id.


Space is a scanline based extractor. As a scanline is swept over the layout plane, the different steps of the method are executed in one pass. While the RC mesh is being constructed from the layout, nodes are eliminated as soon as all resistances and capacitances for that node are known. Also, all network elements are written to the database as soon as possible. This results in low time and space complexities of O(N) and O(sqrt(N)) respectively, where N is the number of contour edges of the interconnection polygons.

Different Versions of Space

3D capacitance extraction using a boundary-element method and substrate resistance extraction using a boundary-element method can only be done using either the space3d or Xspace version of Space. The program Xspace has a graphical interface, e.g. display the layout that is extracted and to display the element meshes that are used.

The program helios(1ICD) can also been used. It is a Graphical User Interface for tool execution, build around the space system. You don't need to remember the options needed to run an extraction. You can easy use the Extract Option Forms and click with the mouse on the buttons. You can also start Xspace with it, or edit a layout cell using tool dali(1ICD) with it. You can also make a netlisting or run a circuit simulation using tool simeye(1ICD) with it.


Produce a transistor network for the cell latch:

$ space latch

Include substrate capacitances:

$ space -c latch

Also include coupling capacitances and non-metal resistances:

$ space -Cr latch


Before performing the actual extraction, Space first runs the preprocessors makeboxl(1ICD) and makegln(1ICD) to convert the original layout information into a set of non-vertical line segment files (gln files). This is automatically done by Space.



default element definition file


default parameter file


list of cells to be extracted


Space uses a directory where it stores temporary data. The default directory for this is selected from the list of directories /tmp and /usr/tmp, whichever has more space available. Using the environment variable SPACE_TMPDIR it is possible to specify an alternative list of directories, separated by the character ':' (e.g. /tmp:/usr/tmp:/user/john/tmp).


N.P. van der Meijs, A.J. van Genderen, F. Beeftink and P.J.H. Elias, ``Space User's Manual,'' Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.

N.P. van der Meijs and A.J. van Genderen, ``Space Tutorial,'' Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.

S. de Graaf, N.P. van der Meijs and A.J. van Genderen, ``Space Tutorial Helios Version,'' Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.

A.J. van Genderen and N.P. van der Meijs, ``Space 3D Capacitance Extraction User's Manual,'' Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.

A.J. van Genderen, N.P. van der Meijs and T. Smedes, ``Space Substrate Resistance Extraction User's Manual,'' Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.

A.J. van Genderen and N.P. van der Meijs, ``Xspace User's Manual,'' Delft University of Technology, Delft.

device(1ICD), helios(1ICD), makeboxl(1ICD), makegln(1ICD), makedela(1ICD), makemesh(1ICD), macro(1ICD), tecc(1ICD), xcontrol(1ICD).
