The mask data file "maskdata" contains
the layer information of a process. A considerable number of
tools consult this file, e.g. the layout-editor
dali(1ICD), the design rule checkers
autocheck(1ICD) and dimcheck(1ICD), and the
layout to circuit extractor space(1ICD).
On the first line that is not a comment line, between
quotes, the process name (or type) and second a short
description (comment) of the process. Note that the process
name (and its identification number) is also specified in
the "processlist" file.
All other lines (which are not comment lines) contain a
mask specification for the process. Each line contains exact
11 columns. The first column contains a mask name (Layer),
and column 2 contains the mask type (normal=0,
interconnect=1 or symbolic=2).
The columns 3/4 are used for PG-tape (Pattern Generator)
generation. They specify a PG-tape job number and PG-tape
mask type (negative=0 or positive=1).
Columns 5 through 10 specify colors and fill styles on
various types of graphics hardware. Devices that are
supported in the "maskdata" file are
ColorMask(CMask) terminals (obsolete), Xwindow(Dali)
devices, and plotters(Plot). The most important entries are
those for graphical programs that use the standard color
table such as dali (columns 7/8), and the
preplot programs (columns 9/10). The columns 5/6 are
reserved for ColorMask devices.
The columns 7/8 are used for the dali layout
editor. The following color numbers may be used for the Dali
color column (the 7th column): 0=black, 1=red, 2=green,
3=yellow, 4=blue, 5=magenta, 6=cyan, 7=white, 15=grey. Note
that for the dali program color numbers 0 and 15 are
used for the contact hole layers (which are displayed in
dominant mode). The following fill style numbers may be used
for the Dali fill-style column (the 8th column):
0=hashed(12.5%), 1=solid, 2=hollow,
The columns 9/10 are used for the plotter program. For
the Plot color column (the 9th column) the color numbers are
the plotter pen numbers 1 to 8.